Santa Clarita, Fathers Day may create Oily Stains on your Carpet
From that beautiful Porterhouse to the creamy Alfredo sauce on the pasta, Fathers Day dinner at home can be delicious and great family fun . . . but that can turn in a heartbeat with spill it on the carpet. But, since these foods tend to create oily stains, you may have good luck using the same dish soap-and-water solution that gets chocolate stains out.
First, remove any excess food on the carpet. Then take a clean white cloth and blot at the remaining spill. (Never rub, as that can further set stains into your carpet.) Next, dip another clean white cloth in your dish soap solution and blot gently at the stain until there is no remaining trace of food. Finally, dip another clean white cloth in cool water Do not rub, blot away any detergent residue before thoroughly drying the carpet. . Rinse with clear water to remove soap residue. Let dry, then vacuum.
However, if you have just had it with your current flooring! This is a great time to get that new. Carpet, Hardwood or Laminate Flooring you’ve had on the back burner for too long…
Call Lisa, she can help you choose the right carpet or flooring just right for you and your lifestyle. (661) 259-6040
Our design consultants will make it easy and will make sure you get the look (and feel!) you love. See you here!